Three Yellow Things
Today was preschool show and tell, bring something yellow day. We forgot until late last night and so I scoured the house for three things that are yellow. We picked one this morning. The choices were a giant parrot feather from Grandpa C. yellow on one side and blue on the other, a canary yellow silk scarf that lilts to the ground when tossed into the air and smells like perfume, or an old ticket for the merry go round with three holes punched in it from three rides over this summer. She picked the merry go round ticket.
What would you bring?
One of the black eyed susans that are growing in riotious profusion as a last push before the frost gets here.
the first things i could think of: spongebob, a pen and a rubber ducky
We had a slight difficulty with the assignment due to our lack of yellow things around the house, rubber ducky was totaly on my backup list.
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