Aug 23, 2017

When School Started

Both kids are in school all day.  This is their third day back.  Nobody started a new school or is doing anything different really from last year.  I'm sitting here thinking I forgot something.  I'm waiting for someone to ask me where their sock is or if I'd help them pour the milk.  I have a ton of work to do and the house still isn't straightened up from the summer activities.  Still I am wistfully sad the summer is done.  I just can't get enough of their cute faces and the way they play with the dog and are constantly making things.  This afternoon when everyone is off the buss and I'm trying to carve out a moment of quiet among the hustle and bustle, I'm sure I wont remember the longing from this morning, but perhaps I'll be more patient when digging through the laundry and mopping up milk. Life moves too fast.

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