Nov 20, 2009

Sound it out

Ella's been reading for some time but in the last few weeks she is learning how to spell. This has my time filled with a million questions all of which I answer "Sound it out, you can do it." She's written notes "Mom, I am hngry I wnt a snak ples." signs "No blees ulaod in my room." (translation: no bullys allowed in my room) and this week she finished writing and illustrating her first book.

The Bst Frens Have a Playdayt By Ella

4 Best Frens Play to Gether

1 Frend asks if they can play with thum "Can I play?" "Shr you can."

The end

This all had me feeling very happy about her progress and my "sound it out" process until last night. And this I tell with the utmost sincerity. Under no circumstances should you tell your five year old to "sound it out" when she is trying to Google "Boobahs Videos" not unless you want have a conversation about "Boob Videos" with her. I'm downloading a new kid's browser for her today.

Nov 18, 2009

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

I haven't had much to say here. It just been sorta regular days here and I'm not yet bored with it so we haven't changed it up much. Mostly everyday we get up and eat breakfast and pack a lunch for school then I drop Ella off and clean house and meander around on the internet, shop, watch tv, run errands, work on some websites and then I pick Ella up. Sometimes we go to the library and sometimes the neighbor kids come over to play or Ella goes there and then I got to Derby or Dan games or we make dinner, watch tv, play games, read books. Not much else. The weather is lovely, right around the low 70s everyday and most days seem just comfortable and nice. So I've got nothing much to say lately and I think that's good.

Nov 12, 2009

Pakistan Schools

If you've got a half hour today go watch Frontline's Doctumentary Children of the Taliban by Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy. I'm interested in your reaction. Some commenters feel it is inaccurate, some feel it is propaganda meant for us to escalate our involvement, some say it is absolute truth.

It perfectly illustrates the importance of public schools and what happens in the vacuum of education.

Then if you're ready for a follow up you can watch Pakistan: Education's Fault Lines by Jow Rubin