Oct 31, 2008
Pretty Scary!
"...various issues including in passing the so called "Patriot Act". This is simply appalling. And if a message needs to go out that is "appalling" in a sense in order to get the discussion going, than I believe it is a worthy cause.
Let’s think outside the box, let's not be scared, let's talk about the issues that really matter. I am here to listen. I am here to take responsibility and to be accountable to the District..."
Way to stay classy Zane.
Oct 30, 2008
Project Runway the Bombadee Edition - Season Two (Fall)
Oct 29, 2008
Oct 28, 2008
Remember Getting Your Candy X-Rayed for Razor Blades? Ahh the Good Old Days.
"While the FDA has not recalled any candy from an American maker, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has recalled Sherwood Brands Pirate's Gold Milk Chocolate Coins, which were made in China and sold at Costco stores in Canada, after they tested positive for melamine.
Sherwood, located in Rockville, Md., has numerous China-made candies on local store shelves, including Lolli Pups, bone-shaped lollipops, and Spooky Eyes Bubble Gum, the package of which states, ''May contain milk.''
Sherwood company officials did not return a phone call seeking comment."
The San Franscisco Chronicle had this advice:
"Any tips on avoiding tainted candy? You need to look through all the candy before the kids eat any of it. If it has any Chinese lettering on it, toss it. Some Chinese candies have been identified as containing melamine. That's what Formica counter tops are made of, and you don't want your kids eating that. You can find out about recalls by going to fda.gov/opacom/7alerts.html. "
Just buy American this Halloween!
Oct 27, 2008
Richard Trumka
I read alot of political blogs and watch alot of political videos and and sometimes I stumble across something I can't let go, something that I keep telling people "I wish you could see this," something I wish I could put on my phone and make everyone watch when we start talking about the election. I don't remember where I originally saw it so thanks for positing it internet and now I will share it with you my dear bloggies:
AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Richard Trumka blasts racism and underlines why workers should vote Obama in 2008. Excerpt of speech given at Steelworkers convention July 1, 2008, sponsored by USW President Leo Gerard.
Entire speech at http://www.usw.org/multimedia/video Mr. Trumka formerly served as president of the United Mine Workers of America.
IF THIS VIDEO WON'T LOAD CLICK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QIGJT...
Oct 26, 2008
Games All Day
After the mayhem cleared we packed up and went out for sushi followed by bowling. The bowling alley had a Halloween event and so we got to see zombies, army guys and batman, Ella was very excited about that. She also beat me 72 to 65 (with bumpers that is, I would've totally beat her if we had gutters - so there!) Ella had a little 5 pound ball and every time she ran down the alley and stopped at the line to roll it she'd let out a war cry that was cracking me up. "YA!" she'd yell and then she'd jump up and down and clap while the ball crawled it's way to the pins.
Oct 23, 2008
I'm Subliminally Selling you Obama Right Now
Babble recently asked the question When the Times Call for Frugality, What Goes? What Stays? and people are talking about giving up their lattes and cleaning ladies. That's real nice and all, and I realize we haven't suffered much in this climate though we are still cutting back alot, I can't help but think of my pals that have lost jobs and are wondering how to buy gas to get to the next interview. It has me thinking about what I'll give up and in what order. I've already given up the daily paper, new clothes, 8 degrees on the thermostat as well as weekly trips to the city, and cable may be next, but the internet is staying. If I have to sell pencils on e-bay to pay for my internet then so be it. What won't you give up?
I'm addicted to The Pickup Artists. It's a show on VH-1 where this fella Mystery (yes, that's really his name) teaches totally nice guys how to be meatheads. Ok, ok, he really is helping these fellas find some self confidence and become more socially adept, so they can pick up chicks but the discussion of women as "targets" and the science of it all is both offensive and riveting. I am really interested in marketing and the sociology of how to sell things. Subliminal marketing, the use of color, smell, design and product placement to evoke feelings of want and worth is fascinating. So to hear Mystery talk about how to stand and what to say when trying to make a first impression so that you are selling your worth to a person in the first three seconds is marketing gold. It takes a good hard look at women as the consumer and breaks down to a science how to market men to women. Deceptive? maybe, but alot of times if you don't like someone in the first five seconds you aren't gonna spend any more time getting to know them. Does anyone else watch this or am I the only one trying to justify my crap television addiction?
The view from my desk today.
Oct 22, 2008
Who Buys This Crap Part III

JC Penny's had the same problem but wised up under pressure from letters by shoppers;
"Thank you for taking the time to contact us with your comments about the Onesie that we offered for sale. Very specifically, we attempt to avoid themes that would be considered offensive to JCPenney Customers. We sincerely regret that we have offended you. It was not our intent.Based on concerns such as yours and our re-evaluation of the item we have decided to remove it from sale. Although we can not change our catalog we will no longer accept orders the "Too Sexy for my Diaper" onesie through our catalog or our Internet site."
So what am I gonna say now? Let's drop Target a line and tell them to get their heads out of their butts on this one. E-mail them at GuestRelations@Target.com and let them know that even though they are trying to be funny it's not ok to make sexist comments especially when it involves children.
Oct 21, 2008
Stuff we don't have room to store anymore
Oct 20, 2008
The Infinite Possibilities are Making My Head Hurt
I have no idea what to write... Feminism, Momming, Roller Derby, Art, Liberal Politics... Blah Blah Blah.
Oct 19, 2008
Guest Blogger
"We went to the pumkpin patch. And we saw the J. family and we rided some rides and didn't get a pumpkin but we did fling pumpkins. We putted them in the little bag and pulled it and pulled it and pulled it and then let it go and it went really far. Mine didn't even break but Dan's breaked and flobbered all over the ground. And then we ate at a resturaunt next to the pumpkin patch. Now we're at home."
Oct 17, 2008
3 Million Dollars
Oct 16, 2008
Oct 14, 2008
Oct 13, 2008
Oct 12, 2008
The Fastest Women in the East
Oct 10, 2008
Amazing Orionids
What was it actually? According to Mediatrix P. Cristobal in Bits of Halley's comet spark up October sky
"The Orionids meteor shower is capable of producing interesting activity from October 17-25," the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa), in its monthly astronomical diary, said.
The Orionids are fast meteors and can produce fireballs. At maximum rates, the shower may reach 10 meteors per hour that may be observed at favorable sky condition, but sometimes there are lulls even during the traditional maximum peak nights of October 21-22.”
Oct 8, 2008
Oct 7, 2008
Fun with Color

Oct 6, 2008
Too Soon For This?
Me: Oh no, I'll call the doctor and we'll get you a shot so you can feel better.
Ella: I don't wanna get a shot!
Me: Honey, I want you to get better.
Ella: But I'm not gonna be sick all day.
Me: How long are you gonna be sick?
Ella: When school is done I'm not gonna be sick anymore.
Oct 4, 2008
Oct 3, 2008
6 Frustrating Things about the Debate
2. I'd like to say "Hi" to some 3rd graders who are stying up late and getting extra credit for this? (what? Who gives a shout out to 3rd graders during a serious debate about the future of health care, war, economy and the lives of millions of Americans? Thanks for taking it seriously.)
3. It's pronounced "New Clear" NOT "New Q Lur."
4. Only been at this for 5 weeks.
5. "Maverick" count 8.
Oct 1, 2008
Me: Wow, it's really chilly today!
Ella: Yes, I'm cold, my nose if freezing off.
Bouncing Boy: Yeah, I feel like Ice Man.
Cool Kitty: And I feel like Ice Girl.
Ella: I'm just regleear (sic) girl and cold.
Bouncing Boy: I'm using my Ice Man powers and shooting ice rays at you.
Ella: Stop it! You don't have powers.
Bouncing Boy: Yes I do. I drank Power-aid today.
Why So Serious?
McCain & Palin (ooooo Scary with a capital S!)
Blown up Racheal Daws & the Joker
Dancing With Stars Contestants