May 1, 2008


I am completely amazed how many magical powers I have amassed since Ella was born. I can totally negate the sting of a fall with a well placed smooch and I can forbid the entrance of ghosts or monsters into this house by just saying it and I can declare regular waffles “fairly waffles” with a pinch of sprinkles and a bit of whipped cream rendering them totally delicious. I discovered these powers one at a time with ease but the one that has me reeling as if I discovered flying is “the night necklace” it had been under my nose for 11 years and I didn't even know I was in possession of such a powerful relic. Ella’s been waking up every night at 3:30am to tell me that alligators have been chasing her trying to nibble her toes, I grab the night necklace and put it around her neck and she rolls over and goes back to sleep. The night necklace was thrown to Dan and me from a giant sparkly float during Mardi Gras in New Orleans while on our honeymoon. While people danced all around I cought this necklace and wore it around my neck for the rest of the trip. With all that happiness wrapped into one little orange plastic necklace no wonder it keeps the gators at bay.

1 comment:

Jo said...

I was gonna say, it sounds like it came to you in a very special way. I totally believe it is magic.