Apr 24, 2008

Somewhere Over the Sidewalk

Yesterday after breakfast and sesame street/e-mail time and playing in the yard Ella announced that she needed to go somewhere and rolled her trike out of the back porch onto the sidewalk. We fastened her new basket to the front and I pulled her hair back into a pony so it wouldn’t get into her eyes and we proceeded to “go somewhere.” Ella in her little patchwork dress peddling as fast as she could with me in tow walking at a brisk pace found our way up to the local One Stop and spent a dollar on an ice cream. As we walked out of the shop with change jingling in our pcockets I was thinking about how much we looked like a Normal Rockwell painting. Ella climbed back on her trike with ice cream cone in hand and I told her to slow down as there was a car entering the parking lot. We stopped at the edge of the handicap parking spot and waited for the little old lady in her caddy to park somewhere, but alas the little old lady in the caddy didn’t see Ella or me for that matter and instead f parking somwhere she parked in the handicap spot we were standing in. Just as I hustled my child and her little red tricycle to safety, I resisted the urge to bang on her hood and scream “You must park in the handicap ‘cause you’re blind! You old bat!” I didn’t think it would be good to teach my four year old to bang on the hoods of cars that get in her way while chewing them a new one, instead we just talked about the dangers of riding in the street.


Anonymous said...

i'm in love with this child on her tricycle.
and as for your gracious behavior - you're a better woman than i.

Jo said...

Yes indeed, Ella looks like a Norman Rockwell come to life. I think your evil thoughts were not very Rockwellish, but certainly deserved. Grr. Dumb lady..

Jenny said...

I forgot to mention she didn't have handicap plates/sticker or any hadicap that I could see beyond being a stupendusly bad driver.

Anonymous said...

that makes you way more of a better woman.
i, indoubtedly, would have had a full fledged brew-ha-ha in the parking lot.
i can't keep my mouth shut.
it's a curse, or a blessing, depending on the situation.