Apr 25, 2008

Counting to 35

I was the third caller to the radio station and won tickets to THIS! My Grandma sent me a gift certificate to one of my favorite restaurants and Ella made me a purple card with a heart on it. Dan gave me some really comfy jammies and let me sleep in and my skatey ladies bought me tacos and beer last night. It rained super hard this morning and now the sun is out warming up the dirt, my sunflowers are likely to raise their little green heads soon. We had a nice little walk up to the park where we helped plant a tree in the park for Arbor Day today and I have a new DVD to watch tonight. I found five summer dresses that fit perfectly for five dollars apiece on Wednesday and I finished the crossword in less than 20 minutes. I had some fantastic sushi yesterday with a very dear friend. Ella didn't have any snarls in her hair this morning when we were in a hurry. Red Robin sent me a free burger (a coupon, not an actual burger), Vitoria's Secret sent me $10.00 and JC Penny's sent me $15.00. It's official as of Monday, we reached our fund raising goal for the library this year and I'm still inspired to gate more artwork done. The Skate Rink gave us glow in the dark necklaces to throw out this weekend at the bout, we play Mid Iowa Roller Girls tomorrow night. Dan and I used our points to stay at the fancy hotel, Grandma & Grandpa are watching Ella for the weekend and our dear neighbor is comming to watch the dog. Ella picked up all of her cootie game without being asked. Coffee was ready before I even woke up this morning and I'm having a great hair day. Today is my 35th Birthday.


Chrissy said...

wow! what a great way to spend your 35th birthday! i hope the next year (and all those following) are just as happy.

Jenny said...

Thank you.

Jo said...

Happy Birthday! And if your day is any indication, the entire universe is celebrating it with you!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday girlie!
that's a load of good juju!
especially the young'un pickin' up after herself.
hope you had a great day!

and i'm depressed you're only 35 - i feel like everyone in the world is younger than me.

Anonymous said...

Just read your blog, Happy Belated Birthday Jenny. Sounds like your special day was just about perfect!

Jenny said...

OMG Wait till I brag about the weekend. It was awesome.