Apr 14, 2008


Ella got her first haircut yesterday, nothing major just a little trim to make brushing it out easier in the morning. She's playing' in the tub right now and soon I will get do the first brushing of the new do. When we got in the car after getting it cut we asked her how she liked it and she said "It didn't even hurt." (Thanks KJ for being so wonderful and gentle with Ella and for that matter all of our heads. We all love the new cuts.)

I saved a little lock of Ella's hair to put in the little silver box that Auntie N. gave Ella before she was born and now I'm not sure what to do with the box. Should I keep it on my nightstand? Put it in with the family photos? Keep it in my jewelry box? Should I give it to Ella later? Is that something you take with you when you grow up in your hope chest or is it something I will to her after I'm gone, do I put her first baby tooth in there too? What's the custom?


Anonymous said...

i have roxys hair in her baby book.
same with the boys.
the teeth are in separate little containers in the bathroom.
i have no idea what i'm supposed to do with them either, but i'm being a good mommy and saving all that stuff for??????
anyway, i remember you saying once how you had a drawer of things to grab in the event of a fire - put it there.
(my mom still has all my stuff - i think i'll get it when she's gone)

Jo said...

I love the idea of putting her first tooth in there too. I would put it somewhere where Ella can't get into it and give it to her when she is old enough to appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

With my kids I put a few strands in their baby books. The bulk was laminated & filed with their baby teeth in the fire box. I figure when they have their 1st kid or are old enough to appreciate it, I will give it to them.