Welcome to my after-school special and the beginning of my romance with nicotine. I only planned to smoke for a little bit, not long enough to get cancer like my Grandparents or anything, and besides one more pack isn’t going to do anymore harm than I’ve already done. (Go ahead - roll your eyes). Then all of a sudden, I was 29 and reaching the point in my life where I had smoked longer that I had not smoked. I had to quit.
I tried, I cried, I promised, I slept, I withdrew, I bitched, I smoked. Someone sent me a newspaper clipping for a University study on quitting smoking. I called and signed up even though I would have to drive and hour and a half to Milwaukee twice a week (now that’s a commitment). They would be giving 33% of the people an antidepressant pill that was found to inadvertently help people quit smoking, paired along with nicotine gum. Another 33% would get the antidepressant pill and placebo nicotine gum and the last 33% would get placebo pill and placebo gum. That gave me a 66% chance of getting the pill to help me quit.
I tried, I drove, I took surveys, I was counseled, I quit, I was fine. I would have to wait a year to find out which part of the study I was in. It didn’t matter, I had quit, almost pain free. I gained 10 or 15 pounds but it landed in all the right spots and so I am feeling pretty healthy these days. I highly recommend for anyone who is trying to quit smoking to either get in on one of these university studies (free drugs) and or get some counseling and or to talk to your Doctor about it. Don’t do it alone people, it’s much easier when you have the tools you need.
Unfortunately, I still like to second hand smoke about once a month, but I'd like to be able to quit, with the added bonus of smoke free clothing when I get home from a night out with the Casseroles. I need the help of my lawmakers on that front; we need to pass Illinois House Bill 4338, to enact a smoking ban in most indoor public places, including bars, restaurants, bowling alleys and casinos. Then I won't ever have to see his face again.

I quit 4 years ago
I'm kinda craving one again today. Whenever I have conflict (which I HATE to have) I want to smoke.
I also want one after sex, when I drunk (especially with Sweet Potato) and when I just feel like doing something I'm not supposed to. Right now I am out of my "emergency pack" I usually keep hidden at home. I will normally last me 9-12 months.
I'm so jealous when people can take it or leave it. I on the other hand have a total addiction and if I smoked one today I'd smoke a whole pack tomorrow.
The only other things I’ve ever been as addicted to are Dan and blogging and I think both of those are actually good for my health.
Unrelated: thanks for the link to Annika's campaign.
Related: I hope y'all get that bill passed!
Annika's Campaign: It's the least I can do. I'll be sending my casserole money too.
I started smoking around sophomore year of high school, quit during my pregnancies and when the boys were babies, and then finally quit for good a few years ago. Although I smoked every day I had no problem giving it up. My husband, on the other hand, tries to quit cold turkey and turns completely evil. He will need a Doctor's help and lots of nicotine gum when he finally quits.
I'd say good luck but he needs the drugs not luck.
Thank you from management goes a long way
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