30 reasons I love our little town
1. Charming neighborhoods
2. You can still get a hot beef sandwich and coffee for less than $10.00 downtown
3. We have great looking kids
4. Our playground rocks!
5. Neighbors will help dig your car out of the snow
6. Drinking fountain on the way to the ice cream shop
7. A nice place to go fishing
8. People smile and wave at you, even if you don’t know them
9. There are no drive by shootings
10. I can walk home after having a few drinks downtown
11. You can see the stars at night
12. People don’t look at you funny if your wearing big rubber farmer boots to the grocery
13. Our old water tower states very plainly “Bruce Loves Melody” and how sweet is that?
14. Our Memorial Day Parade kicks your Memorial Day Parade’s butt
15. We have boy scouts
16. Corn on the cob for $2.00 a dozen
17. The mayor is in the phone book
18. High speed internet access
19. Trick or Treating is still a tradition
20. You can take a walk without being accused of casing the neighborhood
21. The old trees
22. There’s a secret history all around, you just have to ask
23. We have a beautiful new school and a neat old one room school house
24. I don’t feel like I have to lock the doors when I’m home alone
25. I can give out my phone number to people in town by just reciting the last 4 digits
26. I’m less than two hours from three major cities where I can go see mummies, baseball, whales and “Phantom of the Opera”
27. Indoor swimming
28. There’s always a good piece of gossip going around to make you feel like your part of something
29. There really are characters in town called "Doc", "Cheeseboogie" & "Haystack"
30. My tap water tastes pretty good

So if the referendum doesn't pass are they eliminating football?
If I made a list of the reasons I love my small town, it would include the fact that on Friday nights in fall the entire town can be found at the high school football games eating pork chop sandwiches with handfulls of 50/50 tickets.
The story goes if the referendum doesn't pass, they will eliminate:
All Sports including parent funded ones, Prom, Art, Music, Gym, Teachers, Mentors, Aids, Band, Books and Graduation Ceremonies
(I swear this list isn't even a joke)
Even after all that the kids will only get shovels and a lump of coal to write on the back.
Our school board leaves something to be desired - I'll probably run for a spot in a couple of years.
I LOVE your list - I WANT to live in that town. That being said, I have a few notes about a few of the listed items..
2.) It's always been a dream of Chris and I's to open a sandwich shop/coffee house named Joe and Sammies (get it? ;)) - any available spaces downtown Jen? :)
12.) I'll pay you a dollar if the next time you do this you also march around shouting "B-O-O-T-S BOOTS! B-O-O-T-S BOOTS! In my farmer boots, in my farmer boots..." Ella will help you with the words ;)
13.) Agreed but boy what a standard for every guy that ever lives in that town to live up to lol
18.) Boy you really can't beat a small town with this - VER jealous of you
22.) 22 just scares me - like the Free Masons scare me. Is there a haunted house and a crazy old (lady/man) too?
23.) The second sounds like a photo opportunity to me, Jen.
28.) This is the one thing I actually did not like about the small towns I've lived in.
29.) Ok I think I'm going to name our dog (when we get it) Cheeseboogie. Just so I can stand on my front porch yelling "CHEESEBOOGIEEEEE CHEESEBOOGIEEEEE" lol
2) Move on in! Plenty of room!
12) No way on the "Boots song" not unless I've been downtown drinking first and accidentaly walked to the grocery instead of home.
22) yes and yes and yes. It's why I love to lunch with the little ol' ladies downtown - you get to hear all the old rumors that have turned into legends.
28) see #22.
23) I promise to blog about these characters someday and I'll start with Cheeseboogie.
Sometimes I really miss small town living. *sigh*
I have found some downsides to small town living also.
Jeff and I did not grow up in our small town so we have had a hard time making friends our age, with children our age. You can tell some of these people have been friends since diapers and have no interest in making nice with the "city folk" who have invaded their town.
While I try to support local businesses as often as I can, small town stores are very expensive compared to their super-sized city competition. We do have a budget.
Gossip can be good, or bad. All depends on which end of it you find yourself on. In a small town, it can make life miserable at times.
Lack of diversity.
But, with all of that said we like small town living.
31.) Never having to learn how to pick a ripe avocado, because there's only one to choose from anyway.
Anonymous, eh?
Well, there's something to be said for raising children in a one avacado town. ;)
Anonymous is my real name, I swear.
Thank you for providing such a valuable information and thanks for sharing this matter.
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