Feb 21, 2006

Come on Inventors Get on It!

  • A heated mouse and mouse pad for my cold fingers
  • Shirts for little girls that don’t have snaps in the back (their hair gets caught)
  • Cough drops for children on a lollypop stick
  • Children’s socks with a little tab of Velcro so you can put those tiny suckers together before you wash them
  • A touch screen computer for toddlers (I’d even spend a couple hundred bucks for this one)
  • A blow up kiddie pool with built in shade and pool cover
  • Antibiotics shaped and flavored like Skittles

and while you're at it

  • Sunglasses that tell me where they're hidden
  • Deck paint that heats up in the sun and melts the snow/ice
  • Houseplants that water themselves
  • Riding vacuum cleaner (for the kids to play with)
  • Permanant mascara
  • A hair clip/tie/barrette/rubberband that will stay in baby thin hair


BoomBoom said...

One down:


Anonymous said...

I've seen a couple of these:

I don't know if this pool would work for other than small babies, but it's along the lines of what you were looking for.

Here's a touch screen for toddlers.

I hate the snaps in back of kids' shirts, too. I can sometimes find the ones that are just over-the-head, but it's not always easy.

I love the idea of permanent mascara!

Jenny said...

You people are smart and stuff!

Lynne@Oberon said...

Wow! A touch screen for toddlers - that's worth paying for definitely. I wonder if they sell them in Australia ...

Jenny said...

I think I'm totally going to look into ordering that one.

jennie said...

i have the same problem with barettes and thin hair......

Lynne@Oberon said...

Jenny - if you do end up ordering that touch screen let me know how it goes. I'd like to get one as well but it would be great to use you as a guinea pig before I take the plunge :)

Jenny said...

I just read the details of the touch screen. I have a giant flat panel monitor and I don't think it'll fit. I have however seen the little key board featured on the same site and am thinking of getting this instead. or - we could get the touch screen to play at Grandma's house. (Although that'd be an expensive toy for only at Grandma's house)

Lynne@Oberon said...

Oh, damn those giant flat screens ;) Nevermind, I might dive right in and make the purchase anyway. I have been thinking about why they don't exist in the world for a while and it would be a shame to not get one now I know they do .. exist. Whew! What a great big boring explaination!

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