Me: “I like pop tarts too Maddie.”
Me: “We need to cook something before Daddy gets home honey, what should we cook?”
Ella - with index finger pointing upwards: “I know Mommy!”
Me: “Tell me, what should we cook?”
Ella: “Dinner!”
Duh Mom
Ella - as she puts a blue rubber band around her wrist: “I gotta bracewet from da nosepaper.”
Ella: “Mom you get da ball.”
Me: “Ok what do you want me to do with this ball?”
Ella: “Put it in da sky!”
Ella: "Count my toes."
Me: "Ok, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! You have ten toes."
Ella: "I count Mommy’s toes?"
Me: "Ok"
Ella: "I get ‘em out… 1,2,3,4,5 and 1,2,3,4,5 five and five!"
Me: "So how many toes do I have?"
Ella: "You have two five toes Mommy."

Heh. I never get tired of listening to kids talk.
Me too
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