Mar 8, 2012


Happy International Women's Day.  On this day, I propose we redefine feminine. Let's get rid of ridiculous societal gender constructs, it would solve a lot of problems.


Having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women, esp. delicacy and prettiness.
The female sex or gender.
adjective.  female - womanly - womanlike
noun.  female

I propose:

Having a vagina.
The female sex or gender.
adjective.  female - woman 
noun.  female


arizona said...

Jenny, I'm just wondering, what would you consider a homosexual male with female tendencies? He looks, acts and even dresses in a feminine manner, yet he more than likely does not have a vagina. And what about the lesbian with male tendencies who looks, acts and even dresses in a masculine manner, she more than likely has a vagina, but is she really feminine? Not really sure your definition of feminine would be appropriate in those cases. And then how would you categorize someone like Chaz Bono? Just wondering.

Jenny said...

AZ! Astute of you to ask. Imagine if gender only referred to biology; and how people dressed referred to style; and how people acted referred to personality; and how people screwed referred to their sexuality.

So some men might have a fancy style of dress and some women might prefer pants and what some people prefer sexually will be none of my business as long as it's between consenting adults and I'd like to further de-emphasize gender by saying two people can marry as long as they are of legal age.

I'd like to get rid of the idea that only women are delicate and only men are tough and it's weird to break out of the construct. Just let people be people first and what's between their legs and what they do with it should become less important.

Chaz is a person. What he calls himself and how he prefers to be treated is up to him just like it is up to each of us to teach people how to treat us. What's under his clothes is none of my business and which bathroom he uses is up to him, I don't care.

If we all choose to respect each other then these gender constructs shouldn't matter.

I think the world needs a little more respect and a little less caring about what's in each other's pants and legislating it.