Mar 22, 2007

You've come a long way baby...?

I’ve been struggling through a piece about feminism and roller derby but every time I reread it for the final edit I have more to add and revise. It’s hard to sort out my opinions in a cohesive manor and I feel it’s important to start with defining the topics. I thought I was done today and then I found a very profound error in my discussion. I’m ready to scrap the whole thing and am frustrated. It comes down to these questions and I think it’s something feminism is struggling with right now…

Is a playboy culture hurtful or helpful to feminism? Is it Playboy that has demystified women’s bodies allowing us to cast off bloomers and bustles and bras or is it feminism that has cast them off like shackles. Is this a detriment or benefit? I’m stuck here and it sound simple but it isn’t. I am all for women being able to go topless on the beach if they want to but I don’t think we shouldn’t be ogled for it, in my opinion breasts should hold the same fascination as elbows. This requires a shift in societal attitudes which is what feminism is partly about. There was a time when women covered their ankles from the public. So does Paris Hilton damage feminism? Why or why not? And how does that relate to the really hard hitting feminist issues; health care, sexual exploitation, fair wages and equal opportunity?

What a topic to tackle right? I need input people. Perhaps you are all backing away and thinking you could write for days on the subject and rather than give up your time you'd like to instead have a coffee on the porch and read the paper, but I think this is a discussion I need to have with some articulate people. So let's hear it folks.

I think Paris Hilton is a detriment but I can't articulate why, what do you think?


Java Junkie said...

Paris Hilton is definitely a detriment. Not because she's sexy, not because she's pretty, not because men oogle her. But because she bases her entire character on those facts. My aunt (R.I.P) was a BEAUTIFUL woman, a model for a short time. However, she ended her OWN career in that field due to the fact that people weren't interested in her opinions about anything important - or even anything unimportant. There aren't "Pretty and Smart Blond" jokes or "Politically Active and Gorgeous Brunette" jokes.

While there is something to be said for genetics and the inert ability to learn, I believe that a person who is "dumb" or "stupid", "uninformed" and "uneducated" is a person that CHOOSES to be that way. The women that let themselves be personified as the epitome of the types of women the jokes refer to are most assuredly a detriment.

Good luck on the elbow thing! I have to admit not even *I* see breasts as simply another asexual body part.

Please forgive the lack of fluid thought - it's very late and it's been a long long long day. :)

Unknown said...

What I find annoying about Paris is that she is the poster child for instant 'success' without having to achieve anything. She isn't the worst of them though.

Over here female reality tv stars are writing their autobiographies (well having them ghostwritten!)at the age of about 22. These women haven't actually done anything to deserve a biography. Their only claim to fame is appearing on some high profile show like Big Brother.

These girls are plucked out of obscurity and are rewarded for simply being. But the fame is brief and they are soon tossed to the kerb. Often times they are cruelly vilified when the media tires of them.

Nowadays little girls just want to be famous. Paris is the embodiment of the ridiculousness of our age. She is an attractive heiress. End of story. I don't wish the girl any harm. My hope is that she is a bit brighter than we think and is laughing all the way to the bank. We live in hope! Take care, Olivia

Sir Seanface said...

Essentially Paris uses sex as a commodity and removes from it anything of real value, i.e. intimacy, connecting with others, etc. Hell she doesn't even represent sex at the most base level which is to, of course, pro-create. The very fact that she is famous says more about men than women.

BoomBoom said...

Well Jen you know where I stand on feminism...or should I say the parts of feminism I can even I won't type all of that here.

What I will put in type is what I said the other night about Ms. Hilton. I do not find her a detriment to feminism, but do find her a detriment to itelligence. Whether or not it's intentional, she glamorizes stupidty. When did unintelligence become so trendy?

She is utilized in the raising of my daughters as an example of what not to do, but not because she is rich or pretty or wears low cut dresses and miniskirts or is famous for "nothing"...but because she puts more value in the label of her purse than the words coming out of her mouth.

Chrissy said...

Good questions!

Paris Hilton... hmm... I think she's just an opportunist. She's not stupid - she sees how our society currently works, what it values, and she capitalizes on those thing. She takes advantage of the status quo and because she can make a buck off it, the fact that this system is oppresive to so many others doesn't matter.

I have a hard time blaming Paris for the downfall of feminism, mostly because she simply reflects society. She's a victim of the same system we are fighting to change.

Question - would making breasts as asexual as elbows limit or inhibit our inherent sexuality as women? Cause I don't want to be ogled by strangers, but I also don't want to stifle my sexuality. It's a tough balance to strike, and a worthy battle to fight!

Anonymous said...

I have been meaning to come over here for a couple of days and comment, sorry it's taken so long.

I was asked by a fellow blogger recently to provide input on women who I think have set other women back. Ms. Hilton was one of the people I chose. I think some of the commenters have already touched upon my reasons: she's famous for not really doing anything (other than being rich, attractive, and social); she serves as a not-so-desirable role model for girls who want to live the kind of life/wear the kind of clothes she does; she is seen as "arm candy" for this man or that man.

But I guess when I really think about it seriously I'm not sure she's a detriment unless you place a lot of value on her and give a lot of credence to her influence. Which I don't. And honestly, she's a marketing genius (or hired someone who is to make sure her name is constantly on people's lips)... I mean, EVERYONE knows who she is, and she's famous just for being Paris Hilton. How brilliant is that idea? ;-)