Mar 20, 2007


Ella and I are on our way to ballet and I am chewing gum like mad. The viewing area for the dance studio is actually tiny little bench in the hallway pushed up against the wall. The six parents who sit and watch our four ballerinas have to scrunch our legs in whenever anyone walks the throughway. Since we all sit very close and whisper to each other as the girls make their first attempts at skipping I become acutely aware of how onioney my breath is and I have taken to chewing super minty gum during Ella’s dancey class. Our hearts ebb and flow with every leap or attempted hop and we blush when our dancer decides to hang off the bar like a monkey and Miss Erin has to lean down and patiently correct her student. When our thirty minutes has again slipped by the girls run to the door with reward stickers already peeled carefully applied to the front of their leotards. Ella bounces towards me and pretends to be chewing gum too. On the way to the van she tells me “Mom! I have bubbly gum too and it makes my teeth go faster”

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