You see, I bought Valentines Day from him 10 years ago. When we first met he gave me this story about telling me he loved me every day and not needing a special day for it and I bought that hook line and sinker for a couple years but soon the girls I worked with were getting flowers and trinkets and I began to fret about missing the holiday. Dan’s reply “You don’t even know who St. Valentine is and we aren’t even Catholic” This was an excellent point and I let it go another year until I could stand no more and went to the library to do an impromptu report on St. Valentine. It was quiet an ordeal to find information before the internet of today.
February rolled around again I prepared to enlighten Dan on the subject, he prepared for a trip to Las Vegas with his friends. I encouraged him to go for the weekend and each guy had a set amount of money to gamble with; $2,000.00 no more, no less. Dan was short of his steak by half and worried about it but I had a Christmas bonus that year that I hadn’t spent yet and didn’t have any plan to spend. I traded him the rest of his steak in exchange for Valentines Day for the rest of our lives. That is how I bought St. Valentines Day for $1,000.00. I think I got the better end of the bargain, but so does he.
Maybe that story isn’t very romantic or implies that his gifts aren’t genuine but honestly he does a pretty good job of it every day just like in the beginning of the story.
Lovely story...I can just picture you and Dan discussing the historical significance of St. Valentine and then negotiating how it would play out for your future.
Actually I think it is very romantic! And so unique, surprise, surprise, Jenny would have a GREAT Valentine's story.
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