Jul 5, 2006


“I think of the flag as a symbol of what the veterans fought for, what they sustained wounds for, what they sustained loss of limbs for, and what they sustained loss of life for,” said Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa. I disagree with Mr. Specter I think soldiers risk life and limb so we can be free from a government that legislates it’s citizen’s feelings and free to express our feelings no matter how unpopular*.

*Barring yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre et al.


BoomBoom said...

What does the flag symbolize to you?

Jenny said...

The short answer: It’s the picture that accompanies our constitution

The poetic answer: The flag symbolizes everything we are as Americans, just everything, it’s all encompassing. From apple pie cooling on a farmhouse windowsill to oil floating atop a puddle in an alleyway, from sea to shining sea a mass of humanity, love, comfort, opportunity, good intentions, hope, selfish desire, despair, desperate hate, it’s all in there. It’s the quilt we’ve all sewn.

The Mommy answer: It’s 13 stripes represent the 13 original colonies, the 50 stars represent our 50 states. It’s very important to us.

The Liberal answer and the pissed off at the President answer are different yet but perhaps the short answer is the best and most accurate.

How about you?

BoomBoom said...

I remember thinking when I was a little girl that the stripes represented the peace that we strive for (white) and the blood we sacrifice to get it (red). The blue with white stars represented the night sky and its endlessness.