In honor of my 33rd birthday last month we sent Ella to Grandma and Grandpa’s house and went drinking with the intent of creating a spectacle of preposterous proportions. We went to the Road House to have steak and after, karaoke and lots of beer. Those that have never been to the Roadhouse should check out the online tour and history of hauntings at where you can also get directions and a copy of the menu. I can tell you they have a great steak, really nice waitresses and a karaoke lady who wears gold lame pants! What else can a person ask for on her birthday – except friends to share it with?
By popular request I will now present the evidence:
Tater Tot, Punky Mom & Mrs. Bombadee cheese it up

Tater Tot & Mrs. Bombadee
sing "Cheek to Cheek"
Mrs. Bombadee and Tater Tot shake their groove thang

The Best Birthday Present EVER!
Mr. Bombadee drags Mrs. Bombadee on stage and they sing some Cake together ("we were like Sonny & Cher, only not as good and with way more love, so maybe not so much like Sonny & Cher...")
Now that's some serious love there.
Happy Birthday Jen! I didn't even know :) Glad you had a good time! :)
aka mightymousemommy (now on blogspot)
Thank you and Welcome to blogspot! Hope you like it here.
you guys are so much fun! it's good to have great friends and someone you're stupid in love with - i'm with you on both counts, and it makes for a good life!
I agree is good!
Thanks Jen. I actually have had a blogspot blog for awhile now (screaming reality) but was attracted to the little photo slideshow thingy that msn "spaces" has. Both drive me a little bonkers (I don't understand php much but I guess I'll be learning now, won't I? lol) but at least with blogspot you CAN change the look to your own. You cannot do that at all with spaces.
Also, you three are definately Diva's in disguise. :) Now all you have to do is sing some disco or Blondie!
It's great to see a picture of Ms. Tater who's comments I read here all the time. And Mr. Bombadee, too. Glad you had such a good birthday!
Sorry we missed out on all the fun :( Would love to catch up some time after my life settles into summer vacation! So excited Mr. Bombadee made it up there with you, but what about Elvis???
oh how fun!
and you and tater tot dancing? how is it you actually look good?! I'd just dorkify, especially on film.
Ah - my Elvis singer couldn't make it. I hope to talk him into it next time.
I thought this WAS dorkified. My booty all sticken' out and my tongue tucked in between my bottom lip and my teeth in the ah so sexy Jack Tripper Face - gah!
It could only have gotten worse if I were wearing a white disco suit.
Looks like you had a lot of fun! Good to see all of you in pictures together, too. :-)
I can hear that karoke Cheek to Cheek now ;) Happy Birthday - may the fun continue!
happy bday. glad you had fun.
i haven't had fun like that since saturday at that bachelorette party. but before that, i hadn't had fun like that in about four years. doesn't it feel great? :)
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