continuing with fancy martinis up the street,

ongoing with jazz next door,

lasting through telling Bartender Joe all our best dirty jokes,

even though playing pool wasn't everyone's favorite,

and winding down with 17 police cars, one ambulance, one fire truck, lots of M-16 and many revelers,

it was an exciting evening out with the Casseroles.
you guys are funny - i particularly like the pic with the sunglasses.
My sunglasses are crooked
i know. that's why i love that picture best. you look a little shit faced and happy. the sunglasses only help.
Yes, I believe at that moment I was feeling pretty good.
i can tell, yes i can. you look how i felt that night at Neville Bros just a little while ago. everything was right with the world, and nobody could do no wrong. i would love to be that blissful more often. but then i'd be a lush.
We Casseroles lush it up once a month around here.
I can FEEL the drunkenness progressing in those photos
Wait until Tater Tot posts the photos she took - you might get to see exactly how lushy we got.
wow, i can't believe you were downntown for the gunfire. crazy!
What did I miss?
And, I have apparently never heard of the concept of sunscreen before.
I am even more burnt today that I was on Saturday night.
Oh yeah, the UAW was having a birthday party, and there was gunfire. Word on the street (literally) was there were strippers and under aged people and things got way out of hand.
We were sitting at the Rose having coffee and cop cars kept going by and then we had to walk past all the hoopla to get back to the car. The street was FILLED with gawkers.
I ttally was NOT kidding when I said 17 police cars, one ambulance, one fire truck, lots of M-16 and many revelers
OK, it is just me or does PunkyMom look really, really bored in every shot?
I think two out of three she does.
Wow, looks like quite the exciting evening, and a lot of fun.
Sorry !I wasn't until the pool thing.. but we can't do what everyone wants all the time that would be boring in itself! Is the baby the party you missed?
Yeah that's the little guy
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