Discovery on a Hot Day
Yesterday it hit 80* so I decided it was time to fill our new pool. I knew I couldn’t tell Ella until she had at least two bites of breakfast or she would lie on the floor in agony instead of eating. Anticipation is exciting - but when you’re two, not so much. It’s more like persecution, if you say to a two year old we are going to have some ice cream, you had better have the ice cream already in your hand behind your back or you will spend the next moments of your life hearing “Ice cream? Mom we’re having ice cream? Mom, Mom,Mom,Mom,Mom,Mom, ice cream? Where’s the ice cram? I want some ice cream? Mom,Mom,Mom…” The anticipation of the pool was very exciting for me though, and finally I said it “How about we go swimming today?” her eyes lit up and she said “I’ll get my swimmy suit” and she took off running. She didn’t ask where, why or how she just knew there was going to be water she could get in. In about 4 seconds she stripped naked, put her swimmy suit around her neck and headed for the back yard.

Little kid’s willingness to sit in a perfectly ice cold water cracks me up. When she hopped in it took her breath away, even I couldn’t bear to dip my feet in, but this child was determined and got her bootie all the way in and then sat there stunned by the cold. She splashed for a little bit before she found fun in playing pseudo beach by getting the lid off the sandbox and rolling in the sand, then jumping in the pool and then again rolling in the sand. This went on far too long for me, it made my butt itch just watching.
The game soon changed, Ella decided to grow a flower. She picked a dandelion, poked it firmly into the sand and spent the next twenty minutes watering the poor thing remarking “It’s gonna grow big big big and tall and be beauty-full”.
I didn't tell her it wouldn't grow, just like I didn't stop her from getting sand in her crack and I didn't tell her the pool water was frigid. Somethings are better discovered.
Every girl needs to learn the lessons of sand and water on her own.
i love her "swimmy suit." that's just way too cute. noah went to "pretty school" (pre-school). and as far as the anticipation thing goes - it never stops. my kids are STILL like that!
Now that is a happy childhood! Great job, Jenny!
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Olivia here. Sorry we haven't been in touch. We have been doing endless rounds of visiting.
Chris's Aunt Katie was also rushed to hospital last Thursday with complications arising out of her diabetes. So we have been running around with her mother etc. I have spent a lot of time in Rockford Memorial over the last few days. Looking forward to going home to get some rest...if that makes any sense!!!
Thanks for the invite on Monday. Alex will be thrilled. We are looking forward to being re-acquainted with your darling Ella.
Take care,
Looking forward to seeing you all too!
She is so cute.
We pulled out our pool yesterday, too. Our little one was in the pool before it even had water in it. Ah, the enthusiasm of youth -- couldn't get *me* into a frigid pool until the temps hit 90 or above!
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