Dec 28, 2008

Time Off

So this would be where I count down my accomplishments of 2008 and count up what's going to happen in 2009. Where I make a grand list and plans on how to accomplish it. Instead, I've decided 2009 is going to be a big surprise. I'm going to just see what happens. No expectations, no plans, no goals. I'm going to just coast for a bit and see where I end up. Bohemian Slacktitude here I come.


Anonymous said...

got room on that seat next to you?

Jenny said...

There is always room on Bohemian Slacktitude Train... ALL ABOARD!

You can sit next to me in the Absurdity Car.

Jo said...

How about Zen-ness instead??? Not that it is any different, just sounds better than slacker.

Jenny said...

Oooo yes, I like Zen-ness