May 19, 2007

Minty Pics

I’d like to blame my three year old for getting a junior mint stuck in the lens of my camera but I have to admit the Junior Mints would’ve been in my purse had she been with us or not. My beloved thin tiny camera that flips out of my pocket and goes from zero to sixty in less than the time it takes a person to get their butt back into their pants is gummed up beyond my ability to clean. I’d take a picture, but there’s Junior mint stuck in my camera. Sigh.


BoomBoom said...

SugarLips is right next to me reading you blog and can't stop laughing with that style of laugh you use when you think you're getting away with something...

"I dee deir butz..."

Jo said...

Junior Mints are the tool of the devil obviously. Big sigh for your camera.

Jenny said...

I'm bringing my camera to be fixed tomorrow. sigh