It all started innocently enough when I first read the paper and learned there would be a roller derby league here in neighboring city. I went, I joined, I became obsessed. It came together yesterday in one giant roller derby party. The crowd was incredible. They went wild any time one of the girls hit the floor. The paper reported a crowd of 650 but the ticket takers said 1100. There was a 15 minute line for beer (we'll fix that before next bout - promise). A sea of familiar and not so familiar cheering and yelling. Signs that read "Will Skate for Beer" and my personal favorite "Bombadee's B*tch" pointed towards us. Here's the thing though, even if 100 people showed up yesterday it still would've been the best, because we all just wanna skate. We've been practicing on cement and in parking lots for 6 months because we love this. Although that wouldn't have been so nice for the charities we skate for. Yesterday was for a young kid hurt and paralyzed in a motorcycle accident. We'll be writing a big check to his family this week - Thanks Derby Fans.
We started off behind in the first period. The Screw City Slammers were making the rounds and we were skating as hard as we could. Half way through the first period we overcame our nerves and relaxed enough to remember our training. Stay low hit 'em hard, I know it sounds simple, but no, not so much when you're skating screamin' fast and taking it in the shoulder from a pinkie (SCS colors). At the beginning of period two we were ahead by 10 and kept our lead steady and strong, increasing by a few points here and there. The Slammers were missing points for fouls and out of bounds. By the beginning of the third period we were all whipped and a little cocky I think. We lead by 30 points but relaxed too much and they gained 26 of those back in the last period. Had we played five more minutes they might've had us. Final score 139 - 135, Demolition Dolls take the win!
Back in the locker room ladies were cheering and hugging and discovering what hurt. You just don't feel it when it happens it's after the jam is over you look down to see blood and then have to search out where it's coming from. Oh - It's me! I cut my hand somehow, just a tiny one, enough to be a pain when I do dishes, but not enough to stop me from doing them (dang!). When I arrived home Dan rubbed my neck and I ate half a pizza. I feel wonderful this morning and I can't wait for the next practice already!

Congrats! You guys won. I didn't know you were skating for charities. That means you win, even if you lose. Everyone wins. Wow. My esteem for you rises all the time.
How very humbling though. First to be a derby queen, and then back to the dishes.
Thanks Jo. Wish you were here.
Great job yesterday. I was so hyped up the night before that I didn't go to sleep until about 2:30. After the first jam, though, the crowd was just a blur until someone fell ... then I could hear people roaring. It went by so fast, though. And I woke up this morning with a mysterious twisted knee -- I have no idea how that happened, but now I'm limping all over the office. But I still can't wait until the next practice, either.
Hugs and Bruises,
Felon (a "pinkie")
And great job yesterday to you too.
I'm a thankful we didn't need the ambulance for anything.
I still don't understand it, but it sounds like great therapy!! Well done for winning and for not being seriously injured :)
Congrats on the big win! Wish I could've been there...but sure will next time!
rock the frick on!
Did you look closely at the pics from the paper and see your cousin, dad and La.
Yeah, I called and told them yesterday.
Congrats. That sounds like it was a lot of fun!
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