We had just settled in with all the munchies that go with the circus, popcorn, lemonade, and cotton candy, when a lady with giant hair came and sat down right in from of Ella. Mrs. Giant-hair lady also brought her very spoiled grandson who wasn’t satisfied with just going to the circus. He had to wear his Batman costume to the circus and posses EVERY crappy plastic toy the circus sold, one of which was a giant light up sword and yes, he kept it lit up and poking straight up into our view the whole time. ARG! There were plenty of open seats, so I’m not sure it was necessary for anyone with a head that big and hair piled on top of it to sit directly in front of a child who is already struggling to see over the seat in front of them, but hey, maybe that’s her thing. So I kicked their chairs alot (hey, that's my thing).
After intermission we moved to much better seats.

About half way through the show, Ella must’ve finally found her wits because she started jumping up and down and yelling “It’s a circus Gramma! A CIRCUS!” it was very cute. Then we had nachos and Ella just dipped her whole hand in the nacho cheese and licked it off her fingers. The show finished with this guy – ZAAL the Human Cannonball flying 45 feet up at 50mph accross three rings and into a giant bag of air. I had never seen and human cannonball before, so I was fascinated.

In the car afterwards Ella became extremely concerned with where the elephants went. She kept asking “Those elephants goin’ home?” and the repeating “Yeah, those elephants are going to their house.” It got me thinking about where those elephants did go? I’m sure PETA has a theory and I’m sure the circus handlers have a story too. I’m choosing to believe - Those elephants went home to their trailers where they will hang out on their giant modular couches and watch their soaps while they drive to the next city and half way there they might stop at a rest stop for Nutter-butters and sodas and a game of tag to stretch their legs.

Can I just point out, off subject, that I am LOVING the pig tails lately.
Looks like a great time. I remember enjoying the circus, especially the elephants, when I was really little. Glad she enjoyed it too.
The pig tails are working pretty well at keeping the hair out of her eyes.
and the circus was totally fun. Plus we went and had cheesey fries and shakes afterwards.
Hi there Jenny! That's the first photo I've seen of you besides the profile one. Nice!
I went to the circus at the Pontiac Silverdome when I was about Ella's age. I don't remember it at all. But I'm pretty sure I didn't have a bucket of popcorn and a ball of cotton candy that were each bigger than my entire torso! Go Ella! Plus cheesey fries and shakes too? Lucky girl.
Elizabeth, my mother is loving you right now - that's her.
My whole life I've heard "You look just like your mom!" when I was a teenager I would've rolled my eyes at you and now I say "thank you".
I should post a picture of me... stay tuned folks
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