A Housewife's Dream
I dreamt I was running from man eating dinosaurs from outer space. My dream-meister must be stuck in a fifties sci-fi movie. It’s really just an extension of the old zombie dream with different monsters. Everything else is the same, the running, running, running and planning and this time I was with Mr. Bombadee and Mr. BlahZeeBlah (the zombie killers) so I knew I was mostly safe as we drove down a mountain side screaming in and out of traffic being chased my a giant t-rex and me riding in the bed of the truck. We holed up in a brand new half built and newly abandoned prison were we only had left over Happy Wok to eat and the only way to get in and out was through a giant new cement sewer pipe leaned up against the new building. It was like all those years of climbing UP the slide at the playground were finally paying off. There was a scene were I was chased up the pipe by a colossal dino-tongue scrapping the sides of the tube trying to knock me back down into its enormous mouth. This scene should be shot in 3-D and the audience should feel like they are about to get licked in the head and we could pipe in dino-breath through the theatre for extra scary-ness.

Any dream interpretations folks? also - What the heck happened on American Idol last night? I have to agree with Simon, it all sucked. It was like “sing through your nose night”. Frankly, I expected more from Kenny Rogers.
- I totally want the Dr. Pitt Collection, see the ad with the kids on it here.
- I read Trying To Grow Up: Why I'm Quitting Chick Lit by Mary Katherine, it was pretty funny.
No dissin' Kenny girl...them there's fightin' words.
Now I will agree all of the contestants sucked monkey butt (there's a visual for you). Boring, boring, boring. Even the rendition of Fancy was blah, and that is not a blah song.
I'll be watching tonight, usually I don't watch the results show, just so I can see Kenny sing.
I know! Kenny should have told them - dude you picked a boring rendition of nasaly song...
I bet Kenny doesn't say "Dude".
Did your girls tell you I called last night in excitement with a "Kenny Alert" to make sure you were watching? I even Tivoed it for you just in case you weren't home.
Yes they did. Sugar and I were at his first AquaTots class. He loved it and now won't stop asking, "More wim peas?"
Your taste in furniture is *exactly* the same taste as my husbands methinks. He thinks we shouldn't even have a floor in our bedroom, just wall to wall mattress (at least I wouldn't wake up with a 6'4", 250 lb weight on me that way anyway.)
I like the set at the top with the fabrics and color schemes of the middle set. I'd get Mr. Pitt for a den or something though, totally. But I think I'd have to have leather though. Nothings more "stain resistant" than leather :)
As for AI, I liked Fancy but everything else I pretty much agreed with Simon except I *REALLY* liked Katharine McPhee. She's so damned cute/beautiful/sexy/talented that I just want to slap her lol
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