Me: Are you my Munchie Pie?
Very serious Ella pointing to herself: No Mommy, I not Munchie Pie, I Ella.
Me: Are you hungry?
Ella nodding: I hunnngey!
Me: What would you like to eat?
Ella: How ‘bout bo-nah-nah!?
Me: Ok, I’ll get you a banana
Ella: Horay! Bo-nah-nah’s here.
Ella: Day-day needs pets, ‘cause she’s just a dog
Ella Dresses in sparkly gown and crown: Momma? Where’s my wand?
"It took her all afternoon to finish the crossword"

How did she do on the crossword?
Some inconsiderate puzzle-head filled in all the right answers before she even got her morning juice down.
That picture series is hilarious!!!
She really did 'work' on it for a while.
Those are awesome beanbag chairs!
Love the yellow rain boots too :)
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