Movie Scenes that Make You Cry?
What movie scenes always make you cry?
I always tear up when extremely large groups of people sing. It has to be a really big group though. So when the Blues Brothers are in church - I cry, even when the marching bands roll out in Drum Line – I cry, when they go “Down by the River to pray” in O’ Brother Where Art Though – I cry, but Annie singing "Tomorrow" - not so much. This also applies to sporting events - I tea
r up EVERY time the “Star Spangled Banner” is sung by the crowd or even "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". Hell, if we’re at a Hockey game and everyone starts to yell “Hey” together I start to crack. We once went to my niece’s cantata which consisted of 25 eight year olds singing “The Little Drummer Boy” out of tune – I sobbed the whole time. This partially explains why I don’t do well in church; I literally choke up when the congregation starts to sing. So if there’s a movie that has groups of people singing – I stay far away, it’s just too much emotion for me. It has to do with the power of unity in jubilation, that’s as far as I can try and understand it. You won’t catch me at the theatre for “The Gospel” but I’ll be getting a box of Kleenex and renting it.
Any time there's lots of sadness or happiness after lots of travails, I'll cry up. I cry at the end of You've Got Mail, but I also cry in the middle of it when she's remembering her mother spinning with her in the store. I cry at Casablanca, at City Lights, and at all kinds of other stuff. I basically cry a lot. When I saw Lord of the Rings in the theater, I soaked my then-boyfriend's shoulder at every emotional or sad scene.
I cry when I see a really good adaptation of a favorite book. "Lord of the Rings" movie trailer, "Narnia" movie trailer, the new "Oliver Twist". Who knows the mechanics involved in that emotional outburst.
Me too! Every time I go to see the boys perform at school, and all the kids sing, I totally lose it. I have to make sure I sit in the back. Even when the songs aren't sad or sappy, it gets me every time!!
I don't cry very often, but some movies will get me everytime no matter how often I see them. The Color Purple kicks my ass. I usually do ok until I see someone else crying...that also makes me well up.
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